nimble fingers
Christina Bahrdt

I have many memories of Richard, which mostly revolve around observing the animated conversations between him and Dermot, while Carol and I discussed the finer points of ceramics, glass, fabrics etc.

So, what a surprise during one weekend stay with R&C they kindly took me to a crafty village (??) on the outskirts of Canberra to roam the quilting shops, when we stumbled into a dried flower art shop.

Richard discovered a bucket full of wheat sheaves and said, “In my youth I used to make money from those!” He told of braiding intricate traditional decorations and selling them during thanksgiving.

Of course we bought a bunch and I remember sitting around the kitchen table in Aranda excitedly watching his nimble fingers create these delicate little sculptures.

I got to take some home and they are hanging above my desk.

Thank you Richard

Dick, Morris and me pretending to be a skiffle group;

Dick, me and Morris - plus Caroline and ? on the beach. Great days! Jan

Latest tributes

Field trip to Whitstable
Neighbours for 23 years
(posthumous) letter

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