In October 2024, Peter Kenchington and his good friend Mavish Prasad will be participating in a Shitbox rally.
The event involves driving a 2wd clapped out car worth less than $1500 (including any repairs) over rough dirt roads (better suited for tougher/better vehicles) from Bendigo to Townsville. Their team name is 5w Thinker Fluid and as yet haven't acquired the car.
Each Shitbox rally raises millions of dollars in needed funds used for cancer research orchestrated by the Cancer Council..
If you'd like to find out more, follow along on their adventure or even donate towards improving cancer knowledge please head over and check out their site at
February 2024 - a year on it's time to update the website.
The original homepage is now found as the funeral page. The tributes/stories are still here too.
The homepage now contains news, events and info for related things moving forward into 2024 and beyond.