Stories and Bill Clinton
Rob Doxey

Richard's impact on my life was in how welcoming he was to me as a teenager and young man.

His son Pete being a very close friend, Richard always welcomed myself and other friends into his big beautiful home, fed us, watered us with Pete's help :), and told us his amazing stories such as meeting President Bill Clinton.

His welcoming smile always made us feel we had a home away from home in the Canberra suburbs.

My most recent memory with Richard was when I had flown up to Canberra from Melbourne for Pete's buck's party. Of course he welcomed me into his home for the weekend and even took time out of his busy schedule to drive me from Aranda to the airport.

The car ride was full of laughs and stories, many about his memories of Pete and I back when we were younger.

Rest In Peace Richard, you'll be missed!!!

Dick, Morris and me pretending to be a skiffle group;

Dick, me and Morris - plus Caroline and ? on the beach. Great days! Jan

Latest tributes

Field trip to Whitstable
Neighbours for 23 years
(posthumous) letter

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